Sunday, May 13, 2012

Class of 2012

I know what you're thinking. But I have a valid reason for not posting on Friday or Saturday. No, really, why would I lie about such a thing?

This weekend was so crazy busy, and next week (which I suppose is now considered this week) promises to be just as busy with Tulip festival and all that. But, Friday night was the Spring Concert, and the Spring Dance. (Read as: I didn't go to bed until 12:30am.) Saturday morning was the Senior class trip to Mall of America/Waterpark of America (creative names, huh?) and a Twins game at Target Field.

Getting up at 6 in the morning after such a late night actually wasn't that bad. Until three hours later on an un-comfy buss. But, five hours, four pop-tarts, and an angry driver in Saturday noon city trafic later, I got to go shopping at MOA.

Another five hours of attempting to get comfy and sleep on the way home, basically with everyone freezing because Ms. VD wanted a window open, and me pretty much taking over the isle with my long legs, was quite the experience. To be honest, I was a little worried about Ms. J. At about 11pm or so she had some sour patch candy . . .and a few hours later she hit a wall so hard I'm not sure she's coming back. Everything was funny, and her laugh, combined with Ms. VD's laugh, was a whole new level of noise.

All and all, fun times. I'll tell you about our Mother's Day adventures tomorrow, because I need to sleep right now. Definitely suffering from lack of sleep right now. As well as the first sunburn of the year!
Ms. J looking at a Map of Iowa. That'll help find MOA

Stuck in traffic!

Target Field. (sorry abou weird angle . . . Won't rotate. Odd)


  1. ...I completely forgot that I got flipped off a grand total of two times on this trip. ;)

    Wasn't the map Jacque's? Coulda sworn she was studying the letters in "Orange City" to make sure they were bigger than any other town name in Sioux County. ;P I keed, I keed. I'm still a bit upset about getting smoked in the face with Jansen's keys at 2 in the morning. ;P

  2. Yeah, it is Jacque's map. I remember how cold Jansen was!! there was that whole stocking hat layer thing going on. and Ms. VD wouldn't shut that window!!! Ah well. good memories. Kind of. More or less I suppose.
