Tuesday, June 12, 2012

No Judgement

Ask yourself this question, "Where would you be with out your best friend?" What would your life look like? Would you like the same books and movies? The same food? The same activities? Would someone else be your best friend?

I've known my best friend for almost 13 years. I have very few memories that don't involve that crazy girl. But, if we had moved somewhere else, would we have ever met? We didn't go to the same school. We where never on the same Summer Rec team, and even if we did meet somewhere like Dordt Discovery Days, or Unity, I don't think we would seek each other out and be friends. Acquaintances maybe, but not best friends for life.

I wonder, what would my childhood look like? Neighborhood plays, circuses, lemonade stands, barbies, slaves, Doctor Evil Fluffy Face,  the game show or that newspaper? (My childhood was rather, um, creative and unique. Crazy maybe. But hey, as best friends, there is no judgement here!) Would we have done any of that? I honestly can't imagine the last 13 years without her. Growing up would have been so different, and today I would be so different. I don't think I would have ever watched Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Pride and Prejudice, or Doctor Who. (typing that all out, made me realize what a big influence she has on me!) I don't think I would know what an amazing brownie tastes like, or share the same hatred of mold and love of sweatpants. (I'm crazy, okay? Just accept it. No judgement.)

So, what would your childhood and life have been like, if your best friend didn't exist?

No Judgment. It's pretty much our motto. With friends like these, it has to be.

Having fun at Life-Light in our new sunglasses

Woah, we look completely normal. Didn't think that was possible . . . 

Sometimes I question our sanity. But for the record, we are one good stick band. 

To me, It would be a whole new universe. A horribly boring and normal world. I would be a completely different person, and I don't think that would be a good thing.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Little White Dot

I hope you where all outside tonight, because the moon was absolutely gorgeous. Big and beautiful, it seemed so close you could almost touch it! Earlier this evening the clouds where also really cool, and you know what that means: Camera time!

However, the moon is about as photogenic as a brick or a rock. No, I take that back, some rocks are actually very photogenic . . .anyways, back to the moon. Who is not photogenic, and hates having pictures taken. (sounds like a certain sister I know . . .) Again, besides the point.
(This one I googled, hence the mountains and actual moon, not the stupid white "dot")
That is what I think the picture is going to turn out looking like. (Obviously not the snow covered mountains since I live in IOWA) But the detail and size of the moon, you get the gist of it. And below is how it actually turns out when I attempt a picture of the moon.
(This one I actually took tonight)
Yeah, mhm. $1,000 camera and the stupid moon still seems so tiny. So, I sat outside for about ten minutes messing around with the focus, shutter speed, apature, zoom, manual mode, flash, and . . .you don't know what I'm talking about, do you? Well, to simplify, I pushed several random butons and still didn't really get anywhere. Oh well, somethings are just to beautiful to photograph.
Not going to lie . . .this one looks more like the sun then the moon

I messed around with the focus, so you can't tell its the moon . . .but still, I think it's cool :)
And it's not photoshop, because, well, that's super expensive and I'm trying to go to college

At least this time the white dot is a little bigger . . . 

And back to being a black background and white dot. Yippee. 
I guess what I'm getting at here is you should get out of bed, and look out your window because it was super pretty. You might not believe me . . .but I'm telling the truth here. My camera just didn't seem to agree with me tonight, go figure!