Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sunny Trip to CA

So . . .it's been awhile. Nineteen days to be exact, but who cares. I figure that you all want to hear about the amazing CA college trip so I decided I better write about it. And if I was wrong, and you don't want to hear about it, then why are you still reading?? Just hit "Like" on Facebook, and no one will realize you never even read it.

It was a really good trip, and I was so super excited about it. Now that I'm back in the freezing cold area of NW Iowa, I feel  . . .bored and kind of sad. But mostly cold. Yeah, really cold. The weather guy said rain all weekend. Thankfully, he was wrong. It was warm enough that I could wear shorts. That definitely made my weekend.

We left for the airport Thursday right after school's early out. By the time we were flying out of Sioux Falls I could hardly remember that I even went to school that morning, other then the homework I took along of course. (Because I'm a good little student) So, for the first half hour of our flight to CHICAGO I was classifing fingerprints. Thank you Mr. Kamp. Okay, wait a minute, back up you say. Chicago? Isn't that in the opposite direction of CA? Yes, yes it was. It was also cheap, so I didn't care.

After a four hour flight to CA, made longer by a delay in Chicago, we finally made it to LA by midnight. California time; so around two in the morning. Justin was really nice and got In-n-out while we waited. (and waited, and waited for him to come back) Gotta love those burgers, wish we had them in Orange City!

Friday began the Sea Beggar experience. We toured the campus, talked with professors, students, even the president of the college! We got to go to Chapel and the lunch. Which, by the way, was super good. Not at all like Unity, it wasn't chicken! That night, after game night, a couple car loads of students went out for Cheesecake at the Cheesecake factory on Colorado Blv. OH YUM. A little guilty pleasure, but for seven bucks, it was definitely worth it.

Saturday was a tour of Pasadena, and lunch at Bella's Gourmet pizza, which was also amazing. When we got back my favorite CA big sister took us on the Metro to LA. We went to Little Tokyo for Mochi, and Olvero street, (Not sure how to spell it, but it was a pretty neat place) for shopping. We also got to see Occupy LA, which was pretty neat as well, even though everyone smelled bad . .but I would smell bad to if I was camping in LA for a month and a half.

Sunday was the day where we tried to cram as much stuff in as possible. Picnic at Griffith Observatory after church, a walk down Hollywood where they were setting up for the premier of Happy Feet Two. Then off to the beach to watch the sunset. That was so spectacularly pretty. Our last stop of the day: Korean BBQ in Korea town. MMMMM, that was SO GOOD! Spicy, but good. My only problem was the chopsticks. Someday maybe I'll get they hang of them. But probably not . . .

So, that was my college visit. (and sister visit) For all of you Unity Students who aren't sure what college you want to go to, a Providence Rep, (a.k.a. my sister) is coming in December. :D It is a really small college, but that is one of the things that makes it so great, everybody is really close, its like a community of people who really care. It's like a mini-Orange City, but better, and warmer. O.K. bad comparison, it is so much better then OC. I could go on and on about all the things I really love about Providence, but you are probably bored out of your mind, (I said you didn't have to read it, but you obviously didn't take my advice if your this far already) and this is already super long. (sorry!) So, now you may click the exit button at the top left hand corner of your screen and move on with your life. Also, if you want to see pics (I am to lazy to add some and you've probably all ready seen them anyways) you can look at them on Facebook. But like I said, you're probably already a step ahead of me.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Field Trip!

Wow. It's only Tuesday and already its been a long week.

Monday was the Ultimate Field Trip for those of us at Unity Christian High. The entire school, students and teachers alike, helped pick up corn from two fields that had burned down early this fall. It really was actually quite fun, even though I couldn't breath at all because of the dust and my cold. It was amazing how much corn we picked up in two short hours, and how dirty we got! It really was the perfect day for it, not to warm, and not to cold. However, it was really windy, and the dust was flying everywhere! Faces, teeth, hair, clothes, gloves, boots and busses where covered in it. We raised over $14,000, and Unity is planning on giving some of it, if not all, to charities.

News reporters were even out there, from Orange City's paper to KTIV news channel. (Watch it here I'm pretty sure that you catch a quick glimpse of me at 14-15 second mark. I'm the one in the light blue sweatshirt working really hard at trying not to cough my guts out) We could tell who the reporters were because they where the only ones out there who were not either hauling five gallon buckets or driving tractors. And then there was the one reporter who was wearing high-heals in the field . . .not so bright there. On top of that, there was the choir teacher who wanted to know how she would find a row of corn. Obviously she's not from Iowa. :D

Overall, way to go Unity. That's one of the things I really enjoy about Unity, there are opportunities that we can use to serve each other, the farmers in our community, and those in third world countries who are suffering from hunger just by doing something simple like picking up burnt corn. Another thing I learned from that day, I'm not going to be a farmer; or eat corn ever again.