Friday, September 16, 2011


I found this online and changed it a bit. I also made it shorter, (yes, it was actually longer!) Read through it and feel free to laugh out loud!
Here are some ideas to help kick a rotten day to kingdom come…
pastedGraphic.pdf Do something good for someone else, even though you may not want to. Do a favor, help them find something, give them an item which will help them in some way. Start the flow of positive energy.
pastedGraphic_1.pdf Eat the best chocolate you can get your hands on. In bed. Or in the bath. In the Mud. On the roof. (please don’t fall off!)
pastedGraphic.pdf Turn up music you really love. Play it so loudly that it soaks in through your skin. Dance in your pajamas. Or sweatpants. Which ever one is your favorite.
pastedGraphic.pdf Volunteer.
pastedGraphic_2.pdf Buy camera & dip your toes into the pool of paparazzi.
pastedGraphic_2.pdf Call a friend & ask them if they want to have a slumber party.
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Throw yourself head-first into a creative project. Something that you’re excited about but which feels a little too big for you. You’ll be so consumed by it that it will fuel you for ages.
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Do the splits. Or at least try. (Be careful though!)
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Sing. Loudly. Badly. Off-key. No matter where you are. Who you’re with. Whatever you like. It works. 
pastedGraphic_2.pdf Fall asleep.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Drink 2 litters of fizzy drink (Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper) & stay up until sunrise.
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Write a list of things that you appreciate right now, in the present moment. Focus on each of them & let the love inside you well up. Even when things appear to be going really, really badly, there are always things to be happy about. 
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Indulge in your “guilty pleasures”, whatever they are. (Old episodes of AFV, coffee, chocolate cake, romantic comedies, etc.)
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Send a text message to one of the most interesting people you know — maybe someone you don’t know that well, just to say hello.
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Order delivery food, just to bask in the glory of the fact that if you pay people, they will come to your door. With food. Warm, good food. What an age we live in, huh?
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Look through old photos. With a friend if possible. If it’s an old friend, you can reminisce (“Oh my, do you remember when we did that?!”), & if it’s a new friend, you can tell grand stories (“Well, let me tell you about this time…”).
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Come up with dance moves. Wear something sparkly & work it out. 
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Plan a holiday. I suggest a “Eat a Gallon of Ice Cream in the Park” holiday.
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Spend an hour in your variety store of choice, set yourself a budget, unless you are like me and can’t budget, & buy some junk. Lip treatments, candy, maybe an exfoliating scrub… Then go home & play with your new purchases. (though of course, it doesn’t last).
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Wear a fake mustache all day. (Reminder, Don’t use Bulldog Cement #3.) {that was for all you Lucy fans, If you don’t understand, you have some I Love Lucy to watch!}
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Think up nicknames for all your friends, then send them each postcards to alert them.
pastedGraphic_2.pdf Go out for a milkshake.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Grab a friend, dress up like tourists & go & do all the really wierd things in your city. Take LOTS of photos, & be sure to do a thumbs up in 70% of them.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Stick little crystals on something you use every day. (Wallet, light-switch, key-ring, boots?)
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Buy a new pair of sunglasses or non-prescription frames. It’s a super-easy (& often relatively cheap) way to evolve your look. Plus sunglasses make for excellent on-the-fly disguises.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Put on your favorite pair of high heels & walk up & down your bedroom/hallway doing your best not to fall. 
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Go through Urban Dictionary & find some fun/ridiculous new words to add to your vocabulary. That or make up your own.
pastedGraphic_2.pdf Make yourself the biggest ice-cream sundae you’ve ever seen. Decorate it with hot fudge sauce, whipped cream, sprinkles, nonpareils, whatever you like. Take a photo. Give it a name (“Billie’s Big Bad Chocolate Giant). Devour. Don’t use your hands or a spoon. Take a photo of that too.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Spend an hour in a department store sniffing perfume samples.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Eat animal crackers. Go ahead in put them in your soup.
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Drink through a straw all day. If you get your hands on a straw which matches your outfit, way to go!
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Plan a party with a theme that makes you feel really, really happy. (I suggest Chocolate. Don’t forget to invite me!)
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Write a letter to yourself in the future. Then hide it. Maybe in the pocket of a coat you never, ever wear. Or a photo frame. or under you’re mattress. 
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Leave the house wearing something weird. Or something that clashes. or is totally 80’s. (They may laugh, but the world is cruel sometimes.)
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Buy a harmonica & annoy everyone while you learn how to play it.
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Go wig shopping. 
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Get a manicure.
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Hula hoop. Play Hopscotch. Four-Square, Tether-ball. Act like a kid.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Buy some really good art for your walls. Posters, prints, original artwork or other. If you’re feeling poor ask a friend to make something for you.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Load up your ipod & go for a walk through your favorite park.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Visit a cool toy store (or candy store!) & make your friend a surprise.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Pie. Try Chocolate. Make it yourself. 
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Color your hair. (You can always dye it back.) Or cut it way short.
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Bake heart- or bunny-shaped cookies. And sprinkles and give them away. Or eat them yourself. 
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Start a conversation and answer questions with questions for as long as you can.
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Try on a pair of really, really expensive high-healed shoes & act like you’ll be back tomorrow, but you’re just going to go home & think about it. (Bonus points: take a photo of you in them. The higher the heal, the better. Often you will need to be stealthy about this but it’s worth doing.)
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Record yourself trying to recite the alphabet while vigorously brushing your teeth.
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Sing into your friend’s answering machine. Obnoxiously. Loudly. Pick an annoying tune like “It’s a small world after all” or “We wish you a Merry Christmas”
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Pour pancakes in the shape of your initials. Eat them while watching gymnastics on television.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Look at really old Fashion/Bridal magazines. Like, REALLY old.
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Find a secret place with a great view. Like a tree, or a rooftop, or a hill. (If on rooftop, please don’t fall off!)
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Go & see a musical (or just rent one).
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Be optimistic. 
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Buy ridiculous slippers.
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Lie down in the sunshine.
pastedGraphic_3.pdf Go to an aquarium & take photos of the jellyfish.
pastedGraphic_2.pdf Watch movies you used to love as a child. (I recommend Lion King, Aladdin, Mary Poppins, Little Rascals.)
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Write a play. Shakespeare, Comedy, Tragedy, Romance. All of them in one . . .
pastedGraphic_4.pdf Go to vintage stores looking for fabulous old typewriters.
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Change your ring-tone to the sound of one of your friends laughing hysterically. Or a friend’s evil laugh. Whatever type your friend may be.
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Take a nap with your head at the other end of the bed.
pastedGraphic_5.pdf Name your car, camera, blender, that weird plant in the corner. But,  please remember, Jake is taken. And if you can come up with a great name for my camera, much appreciated!

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