Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Scary Senior Year

Every one asks me "How do you like Unity?" I don't always know how to respond to that, normally its something along the lines of "Noisy." But honestly? It is so different I don't even know where to begin.

I had been in school for a total of 2 minutes before I was scared out of my wits and trying to cover up the fact that I would rather hide in a corner then attempt to walk down the hall to my locker. Kids yelling, lockers banging, bells ringing, about 50 million times louder then my quite bench and table at home.

I honestly don't get why it takes so long in class. On the half day we had (because of extreme heat and some wimpy teachers) we learned just as much stuff as we do on a normal day, but just faster. No matter what a like more at UCHS, I will always miss my 9am starts and noon endings. 

It's been 2 weeks since then and I am, for the most part, getting used to the sounds, smells, tastes, and sights of UCHS. Even if it means having to explain that I do belong in the senior hallway, I'm counting my blessings that I am not a junior; turns out the rumors about crazy homework are true.

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