Tuesday, September 20, 2011

One of those Days

"Ever have one of those days where you just can't win, Eeyore?" ~ Winnie the Pooh

Today just happens to be 'one of those days'. I don't know why, or what caused it, but its just been like that all day. Even after an amazing Cast night and a early Morning Glories practice, I still feel like curling up in my bed and crying. Why? I honestly have no idea. No idea at all . . .

I'm looking back and trying to figure out what went wrong today, and it was actually not a bad day, I got to work with Emma, twice! (more gas money, yeah!) I got all (most) of my homework done WITHOUT procrastinating. Including that one college comp paper that was such a pain to wright but now I am really happy with how it turned out.

But then again, some kid stopped in front of me and I really hurt my toe, it still hurts now. I actually got a bit of homework, and overall I am just so sick of school that the weekend doesn't even cut it anymore. I want Summer to come back. Yes, I do know that tomorrow is the first day of Fall. But really? What's wrong with skipping Winter?

The fact that I don't know WHY it is 'one of those days' just makes it worse. Which obviously doesn't help at all. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I can only hope for the best, knowing and trusting that everything happens for a reason. Good and bad days both, they teach us, shape us, mold us, make us want to be more and more like Christ.

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