Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Beach Day!

I am once again a beautiful shade of lobster red. Gotta love the beach. No, really, I love it.

Santa Monica Beach

(The beach, not the sunburn, just so we're clear.)

All college beach day is my new favorite day of the year. I spent the whole time in the water. It was so amazing. As soon as I swam out (okay, waded out) we saw two dolphins off to the side of us. How cool right? But it doesn't  stop there! We then saw sting rays, a school of fish, a lobster, and a sea lion. Now there's something you don't see in the midwest. The water was so clear, and once you got used to it, not all that cold.

I also learned to body surf today. Riding on top of the wave is an amazing feeling. One moment you are swimming so hard to get that wave and the next you are being propelled along trying not to get a mouthful of salt.  I also managed to hang on to my sunglasses the whole time! Although, now that I look back at that .  . .I have raccoon eyes.

I don't get why everyone complains about Mondays. Monday's really aren't so bad. Granted, not everyone spends Mondays at the beach, but they should. I could get used to the whole three day weekend. Sadly, the realization that tomorrow there is an 8:45 am meeting is starting to sink it. (Who schedules a meeting for that early in the morning? Oh yeah, Justin Bleeker. What was he thinking?) Ah well. Such is life.

Alright. That's all from this ocean lover. Watch for sting rays and don't forget sunscreen.

No really. Sunburns suck.

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