Friday, October 5, 2012

Beach Camping

And I'm back! I took a break for awhile because I decided that doing the writing and reading for these hard college classes was more important than blogging.

Okay. So, that's only partially the truth. But it makes me seem less lazy. 

Anyways. I went camping over reading break. It wasn't like camping in Paulina or Okoboji or Yankton. This was CAMPING. Spot-a-pots and all. This was camping on the beach. Ocean in front and mountains in back. 

After a 2 1/2 hour student senate meeting I was ready to get outside and enjoy God's creation. We drove along the beautiful coast on the PCH to Mugu point beach (or something like that) just outside of Malibu California. After setting up the 16 person tent and exploring the rocky beach, a couple of us decided to hike. As we trudged up a narrow, sandy path that basically went straight up the mountain, I was struck by just how beautiful the view was. You could see out over the ocean for miles. The sky and ocean blended together, there was no distinction between the two. 

After forging our own path and trying not to fall down the mountain side we made it safely back to camp. Hot, dusty, and a little scratched up. 

Later that night we sang songs around the campfire. It was an amazing experience. There is something awe-inspiring about singing about God's wonder and his amazing creation while staring at the Milky way and listening to the ocean waves crash against the rocks. Afterwards, we laid on the beach watching stars shoot across the milky way, listening to funny, some times embarrassing stories. 

View from the mountain 
Another view from atop the mountain
The Majestic Ocean
I spent the whole morning watching the waves and dolphins. It was amazing. Breathtaking. I can't wait to do it again! But for now, I need to finish the 5 loads of laundry and a Humanities paper. After the beach . . .that's just blah.

From Elizabeth, the Providence Rock!

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