Friday, October 21, 2011


I never realized Pep-Rallies involved so much whipped cream.

The short classes where nice, the pep-rally funny, but the best part of day? Skipping through the freshman hall at the end. Why, you might ask, is that so great? Because we hadn't gone very far before we fell flat on the floor with a big Ker-SPLAT!

Okay, something must be wrong there. Falling was the highlight of my day? What about the girls digging gummy worms out of whipped cream? Or football players getting hit in the face with whipped cream? Or the teachers getting hit in the face with whipped cream? (moral of the story there, don't become a teacher or play sports. You might get hit in the face with whipped cream) No. Believe it or not, falling was the best part of my day. I am still laughing about it. A few days ago Emma was told not to skip to lunch because it was a twisted form of running. Our response to that? In whose twisted mind is skipping a twisted form of running? Turns out Mr. Dykstra was onto something when he said no skipping. It's dangerous. You could seriously hurt yourself.

Unless you are used to falling, running into parked cars, doing summer-saults over handle-bars, skidding in front of cars in the middle of intersections, slipping on ice, slipping on a puddle, falling up stairs, and just all around clumsiness. I'm used to it. So if you ever see me fall, don't panic. It's okay. I'm just clumsy, its not serious or contagious. I think . . .

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