Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Field Trip!

Wow. It's only Tuesday and already its been a long week.

Monday was the Ultimate Field Trip for those of us at Unity Christian High. The entire school, students and teachers alike, helped pick up corn from two fields that had burned down early this fall. It really was actually quite fun, even though I couldn't breath at all because of the dust and my cold. It was amazing how much corn we picked up in two short hours, and how dirty we got! It really was the perfect day for it, not to warm, and not to cold. However, it was really windy, and the dust was flying everywhere! Faces, teeth, hair, clothes, gloves, boots and busses where covered in it. We raised over $14,000, and Unity is planning on giving some of it, if not all, to charities.

News reporters were even out there, from Orange City's paper to KTIV news channel. (Watch it here I'm pretty sure that you catch a quick glimpse of me at 14-15 second mark. I'm the one in the light blue sweatshirt working really hard at trying not to cough my guts out) We could tell who the reporters were because they where the only ones out there who were not either hauling five gallon buckets or driving tractors. And then there was the one reporter who was wearing high-heals in the field . . .not so bright there. On top of that, there was the choir teacher who wanted to know how she would find a row of corn. Obviously she's not from Iowa. :D

Overall, way to go Unity. That's one of the things I really enjoy about Unity, there are opportunities that we can use to serve each other, the farmers in our community, and those in third world countries who are suffering from hunger just by doing something simple like picking up burnt corn. Another thing I learned from that day, I'm not going to be a farmer; or eat corn ever again.

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