Saturday, December 3, 2011


Okay. Deep breath. Stop shaking. Stop staring at the snow falling from above and pretend its warm for just a little while. Okay, now you can start.

First of all, Happy 1st Birthday Analiese!! Such a special sweetheart.

Second, its snowing. Well, duh! you say. Of course its snowing out, thank you for stating the obvious. The first few moments of snowfall was rather beautiful, white, quite, slow, peaceful, but that only lasts until you realize the snow is not melting when it falls to the ground like a good little snowflake should do. Nope, this snow is here to stay. But, I wasn't to bummed yet, I have a pretty sweet idea for a snowman that I want to make when we get enough snow. But I'll have to wait for awhile yet.

Last night I went to LeMars to meet up with one of my best friends for Ice Cream. I was late, but I had to practice before leaving and I got a little carried away . . .good music does that to me. She was worried that I crashed, but I told her "I'm a great driver, don't worry!" But, on my way there I was a little paranoid about my car burning to ash. Dad told a story about a bus driver who smelled smoke and stopped his car, got out to check, and minutes later the passenger side erupted in flames. Okay, great. Note to self: Check for the smell of smoke every ten minutes to make sure car does not burn to ground with you inside of it. Am I being to paranoid? okay, maybe a little . . .you can thank the scary drivers ed videos we were forced to watch last summer.

But, back to today, and the evil snow. I have NEVER driven in snow before. That being said, I was a little nervous on my way to and from the library. I was going really slow, not caring about the drivers who where behind me, most likely rather annoyed with me. Came to a stop sign, okay, so far so good . . a little skidding, but nothing dangerous or scary yet. Took the turn. Not good. Started skidding, sliding, and up the curb we went. Oh great. Wonderful. Fantastic. All the images of the crash videos we watched came flooding into my brain. I didn't hit the sign that was about two feet to my right, and none of the cars that where on the road at the time, and everyone was okay, including my Camera. Slowly back off the curb, and proceed forward, REAL SLOW. In the end, my car doesn't have so much as a scratch on it. My camera is in one piece, and nothing/no one got hurt. Only problem? My wheels and steering wheel don't line up quite right anymore . . .oops. Here's hoping Dad know's how to fix that and it doesn't happen again.

And for goodness sake, Drive safely out there!

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