Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Rather Pointless Post with a Cool Video

Wow. It's February already. It's also a Thursday already. Almost a Friday. And you know what that means: "It's Friday, Friday, don't you dare sing this song".

But annoying songs are besides the point. Actually, come to think of it, I have no point in mind. None at all. But I figured I should write something so you didn't think I died or took the TARDIS off to NNNNNNNNNNNY. (yeah, okay, not everybody is gonna get that . .but my Doctor Who friends will, so it's going in there).

Anyways, it's February already! Where did January go? I felt that January only lasted a week, but a really good week. All four weeks were good. Hopefully February is just as good. So far the weather has been fantastic, no homework, and the flopped cookies happened in January. Which means we can pretend those never happened. But keep your fingers crossed and hope my mini-chocolate pies turn out, other wise that was waste of good Oreos. Which, in order to keep my sisters out, I taped the package shut in order to thwart them. And it was a good thing I did too!

Thursday. Normally not my favorite day, but today was actually pretty fantastic. We got left over donuts brought to our door, which was amazing because, regardless of the "cookies" I made, I was really in the mood for a donut. Work was easy, and I found out I don't actually have to work at Pizza Ranch Corporate on Friday. I got a $7,000 academic scholarship to Providence. My dessert turned out this time (hopefully) and tomorrow is Yearbook Food Friday. I have no more college comp, and except for Theology, my classes are a breeze. Can life get any better?

Actually, yeah, it could. But we won't go into this because then this would have a point and I have decided that having a point takes up to much effort. But, because I do want to make this worth your time I'm gonna put the new Hunger games trailer in here because that's just how much I absolutely love the books and can't wait to see the movie. Other then that . . .I'm going to bed and "May the Odds be Ever in your Favor" (If you haven't read or heard of the Hunger games, you won't get that. That also means you have some catching up to do.) Enjoy!

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